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Shri Lalita Devi 50 Crores Japa Yajna : Under the Guidance of Param Pujya Swami Paramananda Bharati (Shringeri)

Pujya Swamiji’s Message of Blessing:
The Mother Goddess has various forms, like Parvati, Kali, Saraswati, Mahalakshmi etc. The Lalita rupa, taken to kill the demon Bhandasura, is a special form of the Mother Goddess. There is no desire which we cannot fulfill by chanting of Her stotra. She destroys all illnesses (सर्वव्याधिप्रशमनी); gives money to the poor (वसुदा); bestows the status of chakravarti (साम्राज्यदायिनी). To those wanting yoga She is योगदा, and for those wanting moksha She is मुक्तिदा. She uplifts those who desire moksha from the dirt of samsara (संसारपङ्कनिर्मग्नसमुध्दरणपण्डिता). She is also स्तोत्रप्रिया. Therefore, by chanting the Lalita-Sahasranama-Stotra, one should try to obtain the grace of the Mother Goddess.
As per Swamiji’s instructions, the following rules have to be followed for the Japa Yajna:
1). Before the public puja, each sadhaka has to chant the Lalita Sahasranama Stotra at least 250 times.
2). Women should follow Rajasvala Dharma during the course of the Japa Yajna.
3). Japa should not be done prior to bath.
On 18th February, 2018, there will be held a big public puja which will be graced by the presence of Pujya Swamiji.
The contribution for the Japa Yajna is Rupees 500/- only.
Before beginning the Japa Yajna, the following sankalpa has to be read (only once for the entire duration of the Japa Yajna):
१. ओं श्री महा गणपतये नम:
२. प्राणानायम्य
मम उपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षयद्वारा श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थं सर्वेषां आस्तिकमहाजनानां समस्त देवता प्रसादेन वेदोक्त पूर्णायु: अभिवृद्ध्यर्थं , अस्मिन्देशे, क्षाम, क्षोभ, निवृत्तिद्वारा, वापी, कूप तटाकदिषु जलपरिपूर्णता सिद्ध्यर्थं, अपौरुषेय वेदवचसां यथानियमं अभिवृद्ध्यर्थं अमात्यवर्गाणां स्वधर्मपरिपालने प्रवृत्ति सिद्ध्यर्थं, मध्ये परस्परं वैमनस्य निवृत्तिद्वारा सौमनस्यसिद्ध्यर्थ भारतदेशस्य सीमासु देशसरंक्षणार्थं अहोरात्रे जागरुकतया, देशसरंक्षणं, कुर्वतां भाटानां, कायिक, मानसिक, धैर्य सिद्ध्यर्थं, आपन्निवृत्ति पूर्वक बाह्याभ्यंतर शत्रु निबर्हणद्वारा विजयप्राप्त्यर्थं, देशेस्थितानां अन्योन्येन ऐक्यमत्येन सुस्रेहेन सौहार्देन च सुखजीवित्व लब्ध्यर्थं, धेनूनां क्षीर समृद्ध्यर्थं , समस्त लोक कल्याणार्थं, श्रीललितादेवी प्रसादेन मम दीर्घसौमंगल्यता सिद्ध्यर्थं अन्योन्य साहाय्येन यथाशक्ति ललितासहस्रनाम पारायणं करिष्ये।
At the end of this sankalpa you can add any specific desire/sankalpa of your own (in English or Hindi); For example, “for getting a job for my son, or for improving the health of somebody etc, I undertake this Japa.”
The detailed sankalpa has to be read only once, but your personal desire can be chanted before each individual chanting of the stotra.
Before each individual japa and also after it, it is necessary to chant the following Dhyana Shloka:
ध्यानम –
सिन्दूरारूणविग्रहां त्रिनयनां माणिक्यमौलिस्फुर –
त्तारानायकशेखरां स्मितमुखीमापीनवक्षोरुहाम् ।
पाणिभ्यामलिपूर्णरत्नचषकं रक्तोत्पलं बिभ्रतीं
सौम्यां रत्नघटस्थरक्तचरणां ध्यायेत्परामम्बिकाम् ।।

Sadhakas are requested to keep count of the number of japas in a notebook. Also, please keep practicing the Lalita Sahasranamavali in between. This will be greatly helpful on the day of the public puja.
To learn chanting of the Lalita Sahasranama and and other query please contact :
Nitin Goel 9811684062
Ramapati Rao 9868032058
Nandita Mehrotra 9599060863
Sangeeta Chadha 9811798999
Ritu Kakar 9810080119
Savita Agarwal 9891408721
Neeraj Saxena 8587906912