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Beautiful Forever!

Beautiful Forever!

Ageing is one of the biggest fears of man and womankind. The first signs of ageing -that wrinkle, the laugh lines, skin loosing it’s youthful glow are enough to make any woman want to turn back time. Have you ever wished that a fairy would use her magic wand and make you young and beautiful forever? Well, your wishes are be about to be granted! As Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, a leading dermatologist, shares her 5 secret ingredients for a youthful you.


Exposure to sun is the primary external factor responsible for skin ageing via oxidative stress. Damage to the skin caused by prolonged exposure to the UV rays is called Photoageing. While enough has been said about the importance of using a good sunscreen, it is equally important to know How and When to apply a sunscreen. Most people apply sunscreen over their makeup, toner or day moisturizer which does not solve the purpose. If you want to protect your skin from the sun, sunscreen should be the first thing applied to your face after washing it- even before the moisturizer. If you apply the sunscreen after the moisturizer, it blocks the moisturizer, not the skin and most of the effects of your expensive sunblock are lost.


Your skin directly reflects what you eat which is why our mothers and grandmothers had the most beautiful skin inspite of lesser cosmetic treatments and so much hard work. Include purple, yellow, green foods in raw or sauté form daily for a healthy skin. A couple of walnuts a day could help maintain the elasticity of your skin as they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and copper that helps in collagen production. If wrinkle free skin is your aim, make sure your diet includes plenty of Pumpkin. Pumpkin contains the bio-pigment called carotenoids (wrinkle & pimple fighting antioxidant). Pomegranates are another superfood which contain polyphenol antioxidant that improves blood circulation.

Raid your kitchen

The ingredients in your kitchen are good not just for eating, but can work wonders when applied to your skin as well. Next time you use a lemon or banana, do not throw away the skin. Did you know that the essential oils of a citrus fruit are in it’s peel. Rub a lemon peel on your face for natural bleach. Rubbing a banana peel on your skin can hydrate, heal scars and prevent new acne! Dry orange peel in the sun for 2-3 days and grind to make a 100% natural scrub. Apply the juice of half a lemon or tomato on your face for 20 minutes. If your skin is dry add half teaspoon honey and if oily add Fuller’s Earth and a bit of Sandalwood powder to this cocktail for a smooth and glowing skin. While taking care of your skin, do not forget your eyes. A drop of Sweet Almond Oil or Badam Roghan applied around your eyes over the night will bring back that spark in your eyes.

Moist it right

Instead of using a greasy oil like coconut or mustard or moisturizer, dab on a few drops of baby oil or vitamin E after bath to keep your skin as soft and supple as a baby always. If you are in a hurry, just add 4-5 drops of oil in the bucket and bathe with it neck- down or add a few drops in the last mug of water, if you prefer the shower. Use a loofa regularly (twice a week for oily and twice a month for dry skin) to exfoliate the dirty squamous skin cells especially for hips and thighs.

Head Over Heels

Our face has 43 muscles. As much as it is important to take care of the creams we use on our face, it is equally important to work from within and exercise the facial muscles. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) is a great way to increase blood circulation towards the face. A regular headstand or handstand also increases blood flow towards the face, giving you an instant blush. You could do this asana daily for 3-5 minutes for youthful skin. However, do consult a physician if you are prone to high blood pressure and learn professionally from a Yoga expert near you before attempting this one!   

– Dr Deepali Bhardwaj

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