आचार्यश्री महाप्रज्ञजी का महाप्रयाण दिवस : 9 अप्रैल 2010 (पुण्यतिथि सप्ताह)

जैन धर्म के शीर्ष संत और तेरापंथ के अग्रणी आचार्यश्री महाप्रज्ञजी के महाप्रयाण दिवस पर देश भर में उनकी याद में जैन धर्म में श्रद्धांजलि सभाएं और कार्यक्रम आयोजित हो रहे है। 9 मई 2010 को आचार्यश्री महाप्रज्ञजी का राजस्थान के सरदार शहर में महाप्रयाण हुआ था। जैन धर्म में उनकी भूमिका बहुत ही विशाल रही और अपनी अंतिम सांस तक वे आगम की शिक्षाओं और भगवान महावीर के आदर्शों पर चलते रहे। तेरापंथ के माध्यम से जैन धर्म को फिर से तेजवान और समाज से सीधे जोड़ने के लिए उन्होनें पूरी जिंदगी कार्य किया।

मात्र दस वर्ष में ही सांसारिक जीवन से विरक्ति का भाव मन में लाकर वे एक लंबी कठिन साध्य यात्रा पर निकल पड़े। जिसकी पूर्णाहुति उनके कई दिव्य शिष्यों और बहुत सी मिसालों के जरिए आज भी याद की जाती है। आचार्यश्री महाप्रज्ञ जैन धर्म के श्वेतांबर तेरापंथ के दसवें अग्रणी संत थे। आचार्य महाप्रज्ञजी ने अनुव्रत आंदोलन में मुख्य भूमिका निभाई जो उनके गुरु आचार्य तुलसीजी ने 1949 में आरम्भ किया था और 1995 के आंदोलन में स्वीकृत अधिनायक बन गए। आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ ने 1970 के दशक में अच्छी तरह से नियमबद्ध प्रेक्षा ध्यान का विकास किया।

अपने शिक्षा गुरु आचार्य तुलसीजी के सानिध्य और छाया में वे कुशल संत बनें। युग को बदलने की दृष्टि रखने वाले संत आचार्य तुलसी ने उन्हें इस योग्य बनाया कि वे समाज में नई दिशा का प्रतिपादन कर पाए। आचार्य महाप्रज्ञजी का जन्म झुंझनू, राजस्थान में 14 जून 1920 को हुआ। उनके पिता का नाम तोलारामजी चौरड़िया एवं माता बालूजी थींं।
1944 में आचार्य तुलसी ने उन्हें अग्रगण्य बनाया। और 1978 में उनके ओज को सम्मान देने के लिए उन्हें महाप्रज्ञ की उपाधि प्रदान की। ये क्रम उनकी विद्वता के साथ बढ़ता गया और 1979 में आचार्य महाप्रज्ञजी को युवाचार्य के पद से सुशोभित किया। आचार्य तुलसी यहीं नहीं रुके। उन्होंने 1994 में स्वयं अपना पद त्यागकर महाप्रज्ञजी को आचार्य पद पर विराजित कर सबके लिए एक नई मिसाल धरी।

देश के प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार जैनेन्द्र ने कहा था- ‘अगर मैं महाप्रज्ञ साहित्य को पहले पढ़ लेता तो मेरे साहित्य का रूप कुछ दूसरा होता।’
तेरापंथ धर्मसंघ के युग प्रवर्तक आचार्यश्री तुलसी के यशस्वी, ओजस्वी, कीर्तिमान, शोभादीप पट्टधर आचार्यश्री महाप्रज्ञजी ने अपने श्रेष्ठ व्यक्तित्व से अखिल विश्व में खास पहचान बनाई थी।
Brief Description ( http://www.terapanthinfo.com/)
A man with Intuitive Sight and Effective Non-Voilent Actions, Striving for Universal and Amity. The Meaning of Mahaprajna (spoken: Mahapragya) is “Highly knowledgeable”. Acharya Mahapragyaji – often described as “A Living Legend” is not merely a person but also a purpose, not just a being but also a belief. He is that perception that cannot be bound by time or territory. Thought’s churned out from the depths of his meditation are lasting and effective. He dispelled many myths about the religion and its rites and rituals. He said, “The religion which does not bring about a change in man’s life, which does not impart peace to him, deserves to be thrown in the river Ganges rather than carried on as a burden on one’s shoulders. Rituals or idol worship alone are not enough unless one’s conduct also gets transformed. Unless one is righteous and honest, both to himself and others, and leads a value oriented life, he is not religious despite his proclamation”. He is an erudite scholar of Jain Agamas , a reputed critic of Indian and western philosophy, a coordinator of science and spiritualism and a sincere disciple of Acharya Tulsiji.His outstanding intelligence is a matter of surprise even for the intelligentsia. He is a treasure house of infinite knowledge . This is why he is popularly known as a ‘mobile encyclopaedia’. The eminent poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar used to designate him as the ‘second Vivekananda of India’. While adding lustre, prestige and glow to the ‘Terapanth’ sect he has also served as a beacon of human mind engulfed in countless problems. His experiments on Preksha Dhyana (Perceptive meditation) and ‘Jeevan Vigyan’ (Science of Living) have succeeded in bringing people of different religions sect or castes on one platform and to integrate the west with the east. Besides being a philosopher-thinker lost in philosophy he is also a sensitive poet. His verses both in Hindi and Sanskrit , reveal his subtle delicate feelings. As a poet , it is difficult to categorise him into a type. Is he a poet of torrential waves of ecstasy or renunciation , a singer of the nature’s beauty or its monstrosity or of the man in clutches of machine, mechanization or machinations nobody can tell. Sambodhi, Ashruvina, Mukulam (in Sanskrit) and Rishabhayana (in Hindi) are some of the literary jewels contributed by him to the world of literature. This noble soul and great thinker was born in 1921 at Tamkor , a medium village in the Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan (India) . At the tender age of 10 years he became a monk . Under the able guidance of Acharay Shree Tulsi , he got his education and proved himself as an ardent disciple. A study of History , Philosophy , Logic, Grammar etc. made the foundations of his knowledge strong and secure. He also made an in-depth study of Modern Physics and Bio-Ssciences, Ayurved ( Indian system of medicine) Politics, Economics, and Sociology with the modern trends of communism, socialism and capitalism. He became a leader of all the senior and talented saints of Jainism. On several occasions he was honored in recognition of his extraordinary scholarship and outstanding contribution in organizational affairs. At the age of 59 he was appointed the successor – designated by Acharya Shree Tulsi.
Epithetis And Awards
1.Nikaya Sachiva (Chief Secretary of Terapanth). Acharya Shri Tulsi nominated him (Muni Nath Mal) as the Nikaya Sachiva of Terapanth in 1965 at Hissar, (Haryana).
2.Mahaprajna ( A Great Seer). Acharya Shri Tulsi conferred on him the epithet of “Mahaprajna ” (A Great Seer) in recognition of his outstanding wisdom and erudition in 1978 at Gangasahar, (Rajasthan).
3. Nomination as ” Successor-designate”(Yuvacharya). Acharya Shri Tulsi nominated him (Muni Nath Mal) as his successor- designate (Yuvacharya) on 4th February 1979, at Rajaldesar, (Rajasthan) and changed his name to “Mahaprajna” .Then onwards he became known as “Yuvacharya Mahaprajna”
4. Jain-Yoga-Punruddharak (Resurrector of Jain Yoga). Acharya Shri Tulsi conferred on him the epithet of “Jain-Yoga- Punaruddharaka” in recognition of his unique researches in the field of Jain Meditation and Yoga.
5. Nomination as “Acharya”.