Acharya Balkrishna : Ayurveda Saint, Spiritual Scholar, Academician & Humanist
He is listed in the Forbes as the one of the richest persons in the country, yet is feet are firmly grounded in spirituality and service. He believes that life is not all about money and making wealth, it is lot to do with having proper mindset to contribute to the growth of the mankind. And to achieve his basic goals, he has taken dual path of spirituality and service to the human.
He is none other than Acharya Balkrishna. Meet the man behind the huge success of Patanjali Ayurved, as he is known to the world. It is not that Patanjali, he has many more attributes that make him a complete personality to reckon. His vision, his knowledge, his foresight, his service, his spirituality, etc have all contributed to make him not just popular, but also as a person whom the needy can look up to for a helping hand.
भारत स्वाभिमान की और से जन्मोत्सव और जड़ी – बूटी दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं @yogrishiramdev #BharatSwabhiman #Patanjali #Ayurveda#Yoga
— भारत स्वाभिमान, मुख्यालय-हरिद्वार (@bst_official) August 3, 2018
On this 46th Birthday, Religion World traces out the contributions of Acharya Balkrishna and points out the reasons that have made him what he is today. Balkrishna is also a scholar of Ayurveda, Sanskrit and the Vedas and hence often referred as Acharya Balkrishna. It is said that Acharya has rediscovered Sanjeevani Booti, a herb which is believed to have the power to cure any malady and was believed to save the life of Lakshmana in the epic Ramayana.
Acharya Balkrishna is the managing director and primary stakeholder of Patanjali Ayurved, an Indian FMCG company. He is a close aide of yoga guru, Baba Ramdev, with whom he founded the company in 2006.

A confidant of Baba Ramdev, Balkrishna holds a 94% stake in Patanjali Ayurved, but he doesn’t take home a salary. Yet, he works for 15 hours a day, even on Sundays and other holidays during the year. In an interview a newspaper, he has pointed out that, “I work daily from 7 am to 10 pm. While a normal person would work for 8 hours a day, I work for 15 hours through the week. I am doing the job of five people.” When he began the journey 10 years ago on personal loans, Balkrishna didn’t think Patanjali would come this far.
Service, thy motif
Apart from the most known activity of Patanjali products, it is his lesser known works of service that needs to be highlighted.
Patanjali Yogpeeth: Acharya Balkrishna is the Co-Founder & General Secretary of Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust, Haridwar. Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) was founded in Delhi on 4 February, 2005 for the purpose of establishing Yoga on the world map, for the study and ancient research of the Vedic tradition of Yoga, and for conducting the whole gamut of activities and various projects related to Yoga. The Trust manages almost all the Yoga activities, such as holding Yogic science camps and management of Patanjali Yog Samitis.

Yog Gram: Operating under the blessings of Revered Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj and the direction and guidance of Revered Acharya Balkrishna ji, Yog Gram is an excellent and unique centre for providing holistic treatment through an integrated use of Yoga, Naturopathy and harmless herbs and medicinal plants.
Divya Yog Mandir: Acharya is also Co-Founder & General Secretary of Divya Yog Mandir in Haridwar. The Trust was founded on 5th January, 1995 with the mission to serve mankind by achieving complete eradication of all the sorrows, physical illness and to generate mental peace, attainment of bliss received from our ancestral sages in the form of Ayurveda, Ashtang Yog, Raj Yog, Dhyan Yog, Hath Yog, Aasan and Pranayam etc. To achieve this aim various units Divya Pharmacy, Divya Prakashan, Divya Yoga Sadhana, Divya Gaushala & Divya Nursery and Ayurvedic College are providing services in his benevolent guidance.

Scholar and Academician
Acharya Balkrishan is scholar of Ayurveda, Sanskrit language and the Vedas. He has deep understanding of Sāṅkhya Yoga, Ayurveda, Sanskrit language, Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī, Vedas, Upaniṣads and Indian philosophy. He has written numerous books and also contributed dozens of research papers. He is a scholar and his academic instincts have made him establish University of Patanjali, Patanjali Ayurved College, Pantanjali Research Foundation and Acharyakulam.
University of Patanjali: University of Patanjali was established with the philosophical vision of Swami Ram Dev Baba and Acharya Balkrishna to give new dimensions to the Philosophy of Yog and Ayurveda, the oldest traditions not only of India but of the world to attain Self-Knowledge, Self-Wisdom, Self-Glimpses, Self-Reformation, Self-Enlightenment and Self-Realization and also to control & remove all the physical deformities, diseases and disorders. The University offers Masters, Degree, Diploma courses in Ayurveda, Panchakarma, Yoga, Computer Science, and Ph.D. in Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Sciences, Traditional medicine systems, Philosophy, Spirituality, Culture and traditions, World heritage, etc.
Patanjali Ayurved College: The Patanjali Ayurved College has been recognized by Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. The hospital associated with Patanjali Ayurved College is one of the largest Ayurvedic hospitals of the world having O.P.D. with a capacity of 2,000 patients per day & I.P.D. of 200 beds along with Panchakarma & Satkarma Clinic & Research Centres as well as diagnostic facilities consisting of world class Pathology Lab & Research Centre, Imaging & Research Centre, Cardiology Lab & Research Centre & Surgical Clinic & Research Centre.
Patanjali Research Foundation: PatanjaliResearch Foundation was established for Research & Development particularly in the field of Yoga and Ayurveda. The aim to establish Research Foundation was to establish scientific and evidence base studies on Yoga and Ayurveda to reestablish the same in modern scientific world. Evaluation of the effect of Yoga and meditation on the physiological functioning of the body is being studied using latest scientific techniques. The institute aims to promote traditional systems of health in management of disease under his guidance.
Acharyakulam: ‘Acharyakulam’, a residential educational institute, is the divine confluence of the age old tradition of imparting wisdom and knowledge in the ancient Gurukulams by our ancestral Rishis & Munies and the ultra–modern Scientific, Professional and IT– enabled education system of today.
Aptly and much deserved, Acharya Balkrishan has been felicitated for his services to mankind by the former President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, Sanskrit Prasarini Sabha, Academy of Ayurvedic Doctors in India, Nepal’s Prime Minister, Nepal’s President, Nepal Sanskrit Vishvavidhyalaya, Canada-Indian Network Society (CINS), and awarded with several titles like Vanaushadhipandit and awards such as Spirit and Entrepreneurship Award, Sugyanshri, Manav Ratna and Bharat Gaurav Award.
Watch LIVE Jadi Buti programme in Patanjali Yogpeeth