AYUDH : Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara : Empowering Young People to Integrate Universal Values
“ Work fearlessly-that alone will bring success. This road ahead will reveal itself. Courage should guide us,not fear. Then, boldness, intelligence and talent will shine forth of their own accord” – AMMA
(Text, Photos and Videos : https://www.ayudh.in) Please email us at Info@ayudh.in
Together We Can Make a Better World !!!
AYUDH stands for Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara, founded on 1st September 1985 is the international youth movement of Mata Amritanandamayi Math. AYUDH seeks to empower young people to integrate universal values into their daily lives. Starting with themselves, AYUDH aims to help establish a future of hope, peace and social engagement.
In Sanskrit the Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara means “the youth which perpetuates the wheel of Dharma ( righteousness)”. In Sanskrit AYUDH also means peace, which is symbolised by the dove in the logo. AYUDH tries to make the younger generation aware of the importance of spirituality in one’s day-to-day life, and about the importance of assimilating and putting positive values into practice.
Social Service
Through voluntary engagement AYUDH (Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara) wishes to contribute to the upliftment of local communities.By putting compassion into action we want to the starting point of change.
Some of the projects we undertook include
- Distribution of school kits, clothing, food etc. for deprived ones.
- Disaster relief operations.
- Samyaanam – Anti drug campaigns.
- Blood donation campaigns.
- Awareness campaigns.
Green Friends
Green Friends is the international environmental initiative that promotes environmental awareness and participation at the individual and community level. The goal of this initiative is to build a generation that is more aware and sensitive towards mother nature and our environment.
Some of the projects that are being carried out include
- Amala Bharatam Cleaning Campaign.
- Disaster relief operations.
- Billion Tree Campaign.
- Organic Vegetable Cultivation.
- Composting and Natural Farming Workshops.
Personal Empowerment
AYUDH (Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara) provides youth with the opportunity to acquire skills in project management and international teamwork. Our programmers help young people to develop and express their creative and innovative potential, gain inner strength and balance.
Some of the activities we conduct include
- Leadership programmes.
- Workshops in music, dance, arts and drama.
- Talks and discussions.
- Yoga and awareness programmes.
- Integrated Amrita Meditation(IAM) classes.
Ayudh, or Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara is the youth wing of Mata Amritanandamayi Math aiming to use the powerful force of young people to perpetuate natural harmony, social justice, and personal empowerment.
Initiatives/ ASWAS
AYUDH has started another mission called ASWAS (Ayudians Spreading Warmth and Smiles) which is a winter cloth collection drive for our villagers in north India. No need to say the pathetic condition of our rural villages during this winter season. Due to inadequacy of proper clothing hundreds lose their lives in every winter season. You might have seen news about this on our print media as well.
As we have adopted around 35 villages in northern side of India, ASWAS is a small act of kindness to help those people there providing proper winter clothing in this season.
Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara (AYUDH), the international youth movement of Mata Amritanandamayi Math is constantly engaged in social activities to reach out to the poor and needy. AYUDH team is coming up with one called ASWAS (Ayudhians Spreading Warmth And Smiles). ASWAS campaign is aimed at creating awareness among the public and to encourage them to contribute towards helping poor North Indian villagers by donating winter clothes (sweaters, woollen shawls, mufflers, socks etc).
What type of clothes can be donated ?
Clothes donated should be woollen clothes like Sweaters, Jackets, Shawls, Mufflers, Socks, Caps (monkey caps), Pullovers, etc. Newly bought clothes are preferred; if not, less / sparingly used winter clothes in good condition could be included.
Ayudh SeRVe
In order to bring about sustainable development in village clusters all over India, AYUDH volunteers visit the Indian villages to help attain self-reliance in the areas of health, water and sanitation, education, agriculture, eco-friendly infrastructure, income generation and self-empowerment.
Haritamritam, a green initiative of Mata Amritanandamayi Math was also launched in Pune. The project was inaugurated and blessed by our most beloved Amma by distributing the first NINE saplings to the Ayudh Team leaders during Amma’s Pune visit in March 2016.
Amma says “Each family should plant a vegetable garden and should be able to eat vegetables grown organically at least once in a week. Even apartments residents can grow vegetables in window boxes and on terraces. This relationship to Nature will give us a new vitality”.
Inspired by Amma’s words, the Ayudh Pune team decided to spread the culture of organic terrace farming in 5000 families in next ONE year. The formal function with dignitaries and the project kick off was done on June 5, World Environment Day.
Objectives of the project are Health benefits, Enrichment of environment, self-reliance and reconnection with the powers of nature. The team identified the areas, visited societies, and explained the relevance of organic farming, distributed pamphlets, hand books & instruction manual, demonstrated the terrace farming technique and conducted workshops in societies, corporates and educational institutions.
In one year, the team surpassed the target and have educated about 6000 families or 24000 individuals. They have conducted a total of 50 workshops in 26 societies, 19 institutions and 5 corporate offices.
The AYUDH Pune team celebrated the success by organizing a cycle rally of students who spread awareness on environmental issues and educated people about simple ideas to save the environment. They organized a formal function at the Ashram where they showcased the Haritamritam success by presenting the activities during the past on year.
Haritamaritam Programs

One of the main reasons for the increase of severe diseases like cancer is the prolonged use of chemicals and pesticides. As part of the celebrations of the festival Vishu, Amma has called up, “vishukaniyodoppam vrikshakani, vishu kaineetathodoppam vrikshakani”, a campaign asking everyone to gift a sapling along with the tradition of giving money and see the sapling along with Golden Shower flowers in early morning. Let’s start collecting seeds and prepare gift saplings for your friends and kids.
We can grow sufficient quantities or vegetables for at least a week’s requirement without mush investment and eat tasty and poison free home grown food. In this Vishu, let’s all pledge to regain the spirit of farming and love for nature. Let’s all join together in this great cause.