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Christmas Memories : What is all about Christmas : Shobha Jacob

Christmas Memories : What is all about Christmas : Shobha Jacob

Christmas is the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. His birth brought joy to the world. It was the first carol singing by the angels. Joy to the children the youth the young and the old alike. Because it is the time of sharing love and joy with others. God loved the world and became man to manifest His love to the mankind.

Joy to the children the youth the young and the old alike. Because it is the time of sharing love and joy with others

The first announcement of the birth of Jesus came to the shepherds. When they had heard the announcement made by the angels they visited the baby Jesus and worshipped Him and shared the message with others. And the wise men from the east saw the special star led by the same found Jesus, presented gold, frankincense, myrrh and worshipped Him.

So Christmas is the time of sharing the love and joy and worship Jesus

Shobha Jacob


Post By yashoda