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DJJS, Karkardooma turning East-Delhi parks into a big source of awareness extravaganza against drug abuse

DJJS, Karkardooma turning East-Delhi parks into a big source of awareness extravaganza against drug abuse

 New Delhi, August 12; So far 21 parks located in south east Delhi have been jolted with the spectacular and power packed performances by the Bodh team of DJJS Karkardooma center in New Delhi on the issue of drug abuse. The drive got started in March 2016 and has been running successfully in blowing out the message of “choose life not drugs” amongst these parks’ visitors and onlookers. So far more than 45,000 people got the message and motivated to keep themselves and their immediate environment clean from the pangs of drug abuse and its addiction.

Each Sunday a new park is being chalked out and with innovative ideas and activities people are catered with a detailed and comprehensible insight into the issue of drug abuse. It being a tabooed issue not discussed and discoursed well in general at homes and in society as a whole which as a result contribute greatly into the acute intensification of cases of drug abuse. Therefore with huge responsibility and expertise Bodh’ volunteer team invents the ways and tools through which the problem related deep and complex concept can be explained with art forms like humour, crime comedy and character conversations.

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Thousands of people receive the message of the program which is ‘Say No to Drugs’ and also strengthens their understanding about the ill effects of drugs through one to one discussion, distribution of IEC material and query solving sessions. Along with it people are also motivated to sigh the pledge boards saying “NOT TO DRUGS, YES TO LIFE”, in order to mark their will and stand against the issue of drug abuse.

This particular drive under the Bodh initiative is also hinting at how parks and other open areas can as well be meaningfully and productively utilized for a cause benefitting society by means of transformation. Our campaigns are therefore aimed at reaching every nook and corner of the world in the process of drug abuse eradication. You can also join our ongoing activities as a VOLUNTEER or can invite us to organize such workshops, programs in your company, schools or colleges and areas.

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Bodh- the drug abuse eradication program of DJJS, works for the elimination of drug abuse and eradication of drug demand through ‘Dhyan Therapy’, thereby transforming the drug afflicted society into an abuse free society; where people are mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong to safeguard themselves and the society against drug and substance abuse.

Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan is a multi-faceted socio-spiritual organization, founded and headed by His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji to actualize the vision of ‘Global Peace, through Self- Awakening’.

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Post By Shweta