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Exclusive: Bhagwatacharya Devi Chitralekha Wedding (Video)

Devi Chitralekha exclusive wedding video.

Hodal, Haryana, 23rd May. India’s youngest Bhagwatacharya Devi Chitralekha has initiated his new beginning. After successfully establish her in the field of Gita discourses and running a hospital for cows, she took the vow of bonding with Madhav Prabhuji of Bilaspur. The wedding happened in her Gau Seva Dham Ashram in Hodal, Haryana.

Watch: How Devi Chitralekha become a Bhagwatacharya?

Religion World team was invited to the wedding. Take a look of the wedding and exclusive video of Devi’s commitment for cow service.

Devi Chitralekhadevi chitralekha
Devi Chitralekha Wedding devi chitralekhadevi chitralekhadevi chitralekhadevi chitralekha

Exclusive: Devi Chitralekha Wedding Video

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