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Guru Purnima : Importance of Guru in our Life

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha

Guru is a teacher and the above sloka (verse) clearly states the role of a Guru (teacher) in our life. There is nothing more simple and equally profound explanation that can be given to the teacher. In fact it is the teacher that is the reason for our standing in the society today, if not for their selfless sacrifice to educate and develop the young minds into good human beings, there would be no purpose for most of the people in this world.

The sloka says, Guru is Brahma (who plants the qualities of goodness), Guru is Vishnu (who nurtures and fosters the qualities of goodness), Guru is Maheswara (who weeds out the bad qualities), Guru is the supreme Brahman itself, prostration unto that Guru.

In every culture, Guru has a prominent place. It is all the more in Hinduism. Our Indian culture has always equalled the position of a teacher with our parents or even higher. A teacher is an ocean of knowledge for his students. It is a teacher who moulds the future of a child; who teaches a child the meaning of life; who likes parents, takes utmost care of a child. And that’s why most teachers address their students as, “My children.” A teacher has the most challenging life, trying to make each understand either with a stick or with love. A teacher gives all his knowledge to his students hoping they would take it one step further.

To start with, one has to acknowledge the fact that in order to master any skill you require a teacher who is proficient in that skill. Since he has gained mastery over the subject so his experiences and skill can help us to achieve success on that subject.

Guru is Sanskrit, and translates to “the one who spreads the light and removes the darkness.” (Gu means darkness, and ru means the one who dispels darkness.) A teacher can give you a good amount of information about the divine, but a Guru gives you the experience of the divine. She or he peels back the layers of ignorance and negligence, helping you to find your light within.

An authentic Guru would never aim to make your journey so easy that you are reduced to mindlessness. Rather, a Guru will show you the path that you must walk on in order to reach the truth. He or she will help you overcome the hurdles along the way and keep you moving forward. If you are looking for a shortcut to enlightenment, a Guru is not the right source for you.

Who is a Guru ? 

1. Gurus are dispellers of darkness. They play an important role in the spiritual advancement of people by providing them with right knowledge and right direction.

2. Gurus have extraordinary powers. They can transform people through their teachings, and sometimes with a mere glance or touch.

3. Gurus play a vital role in the continuation of Hindu tradition. They uphold its tenets and act as its protectors and spokesmen.

4. An enlightened guru is God in human form. He has the permission from God to speak and act on His behalf. He has no ego because his ego is filled with the presence of God. Serving him is therefore equal to serving God.

5. Gurus have miraculous powers. Because they have emptied themselves, they can easily enter other people’s consciousness and know what is happening there. They can read other people’s minds, travel astrally to remote places and heal the sick and the disabled with their powerful thoughts and vibrations.

6. It is said that a true spiritual master has the ability to neutralize the ill effects of karma, transfer their spiritual energy to others or hasten a disciple’s spiritual progress.

7. Gurus often indulge in erratic, outrageous and abnormal behaviour to discourage people coming to them. One should never judge them on the basis of their appearance or behaviour.

Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima is celebrated in reverence of the guru or the teacher, mainly by the Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and the Buddhist communities around the world. In India, the guru is respected because they impart knowledge and enlighten their disciples, and guide and steer them towards the right path in life. As such, it is believed the life of any human being in incomplete without the presence of their gurus. The day is also celebrated as Vyasa Purnima, or the birthday of sage Veda Vyasa who, it is believed, wrote the epic Mahabharata and was also a part of it.



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