Can we erase past and write future. Does a new date, moth and year shape us like we want. How can I do what I want to ? This year you must and you should create your best possible.
We all eagerly waiting for anything that has a tinge of newness. New feelings, New Emotions, New items and New starting ignite us. We always hear that Change is Eternal. As a human, we have an attached and fixed life. We are born in a certain family, place, nation and identity. Many things are destined in our life. And this many times tied up to a certain limit. Our Education, friends, society, traditions, rituals, clothing, food, social behaviour all is decided by ages. What we think, how we act, how we react and why we do certain behaviours is all aligned to many factors of our past life.
As we grew, we also come to know about other faiths, practices, people and realities. This amazes us why how others grow if they don’t have the knowledge what you have? At this moment your mind enquires and if you get the freedom then become inquisitive about certain things. This is a turning point. It applies to everything, from study to game you play, from learning to friendship and from computers to prayers. Here you ask things and many times go forward to know how it works or performs. A revolution starts here. People when going beyond their boundaries, they come across new experiences, this is certainly the newest thing they feel, touch and absorb. Many children start their future from here, they may fond of books, computers, technology, friends and knowledge to know simple things and become passionate.
The shaping of life and thought cycle starts from the day we know words their meanings, feelings and emotions. Our family, atmosphere, milieu and environment shape us. The tendency to know things starts from the inquisitive attitude and the freedom to access it. Most of us have a passion for a few things from childhood and later become a master or successful in that field. This first step is the key to any new experience. Be Inquisitive and Seek Freedom.
As we become adult, the risks we took, are mostly calculated. Here come our layers of adapted education and information that plays a stopover. We all know about DIKW ( Data>Info>Knowledge>Wisdom). The data feeding we have become information and that syncs with knowledge, some established truth become wisdom. But it may all wrong. Its possible the data you get from family depends on only extracted from one type of job or experience. Here, you have to experience yourself. Take Risk to Explore Something By Own.
The day you got what society suggests, you fail yourself. Only one thing matters, You. The question always the final outcome when you think it’s done. The journey is more important than the destination. So, set your goals according to social understanding but make the journey a process to ditch established realities. Try to shape your own reality. Then you become something, that belongs to you. Be Your Own Judge
New is nothing, just the outcome you shape by putting your own input. The world is always open to discoveries. It never sets the sun, it never dims the moon, it never does partiality. Do think what lacks in you? And seriously work for it. I am not saying becoming a billionaire is a dream for everyone who
dreams big. You can be a peaceful person who wants to write to write, become famous by a book may be a byproduct. Do what you love, and love what you do.
A New year is coming, it’s new by a date and a month. It becomes newer if you do something unthinkable. Be Bold, Be Focus, Be Surprising.
Happy New Year 2020
Bhavya Sri
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