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How to Perform Pitru Paksha Tarpan ?

Meaning of Pitru Paksha Tarpan

Tarpan comes from the word ‘Trup’ which means satisfying or pleasing elders.

Pitru Tarpan is a way of gratifying the ancestors and freeing them from any unfulfilled desires so that they can complete their journey to the heavenly abode with peace, satisfaction and happiness.

The objective of performing tarpan is that God, deceased ancestors’ souls etc. whose names are pronounced while performing Tarpan, should bestow happiness on us.

In the wee hours of the morning of Mahalaya, people visit the ghats of Ganga or other rivers to pray to the ancestors to bless their kin.

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Where to perform Tarpan ?

According to ancient mathematician Baudhayana, ‘Tarpan should be performed at the riverside’. While performing Pitru Tarpan at the riverside, one should stand in the river so that the water level touches the belly button or one should perform tarpan by sitting on the banks of the river.

Tarpan for God and Sages should be performed by facing East and that for deceased ancestors’ souls it should be performed by facing South.

Tarpan, Pitra Paksha and Ancestors

It is performed by remembering the ancestors with their names. Then, with the chanting of mantras, one offers water, milk and black sesame seeds. Sesame seeds particularly constitute the food of the Pitrus.

Then either cooked rice or any special food the ancestors were fond of, is offered with a wish that this offering will satisfy their desires and help them to progress in their journey.

Offering of water to deities should be done using the fingertips, while offering of water to Sages should be done from the base of the little finger and the third finger and that to the deceased ancestors’ souls should be done through the mid of the thumb and the first finger of the hand.

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Method of performing Tarpan, according to Sanathan Sanstha (

1. Bodhayan has mentioned that ‘Tarpan should be performed at the riverside’. While performing Tarpan at the riverside, one should stand in the river so that the water level touches the belly button or one should perform tarpan by sitting on the banks of the river.

2. Tarpan for God and Sages should be performed by facing East and that for deceased ancestors’ souls it should be performed by facing South.

3. As per science, tarpan for God should be performed after doing ‘Savya’, that for Sages should be performed after doing ‘Nivit’ and for deceased ancestors’ souls after doing ‘Apasavya’.

4. A dried grass twig (darbha) is necessary for performing tarpan. Tarpan for God is performed from the tip of the darbha, tarpan for Sages should be performed by folding the darbha in the middle, and tarpan for deceased ancestors’ souls should be performed from the tip and root of the two darbhas.

5. Offering of water (tarpan) to deities should be done using the finger tips, while offering of water to Sages should be done from the base of the little finger and the third finger and that to the deceased ancestors’ souls should be done through the mid of the thumb and the first finger of the hand.

6. Tarpan should be performed taking one handful (anjali) of water for each deity, two handful of water for Sages and three handful of water for deceased ancestors’ souls. In case of matrutrayi (mother, grandmother and great grandmother) three handful of water should be used and for other females ancestors’ souls one handful of water should be used for tarpan.

Significance of Pitru Tarpan

Offering of water to deceased ancestors’ souls (pitar) is called as Pitru tarpan. A Jivatpitruk is not allowed to perform Pitrutarpan.

Pitru Paksha : Understanding & Observing Pitru Paksha

Why should it be done ? Apart from expectation of Pinda and offering of food to priests (Brahmins) from its descendants, the deceased ancestors’ souls also expect offering of water (udak) from them.

Importance of Pitru Tarpan

By performing tarpan, the deceased ancestors’ souls not only get satisfied and leave us, but they also bestow long life, radiance, superior intellect (brahmavarchaswa), wealth, success and foodstuff (ability to digest the food consumed) on the host performing the tarpan and satisfies him too.

When Tarpan should it be done?

1. Tarpan for God, Sages and deceased ancestors’ souls should be performed regularly (daily). The daily ritual of tarpan should be accomplished in the early morning after having bath. If it is not possible to perform Shraddha for deceased ancestors’ souls daily, then one should at least perform tarpan.

2. Pitru tarpan should be performed on the day following the day on which Parvan Shraddha is performed.

Tarpan of sesame seeds (til tarpan)

Sesame seeds should be used in the ritual of Pitru tarpan. Sesame seeds are available in two varieties, black and white. Black sesame seeds should be used for Shraddha.

1. Til tarpan means offering sesame seeds mixed in water to the deceased ancestors’ souls.

2. Til tarpan (as a part of Shraddha) should be offered to the same number of ancestors’ souls for whom the shraddha has been performed.

3. Til tarpan is performed before Darsha shraddha and in case of annual shraddha; tila tarpan is performed on the following day of the shraddha. In case of any other shraddha, tila tarpan is performed just after performing the shraddha.

4. Til tarpan is not performed during Nandi Shraddha, Sapindi Shraddha etc. (9)

Importance of performing til tarpan

1. Sesame seeds are the favourites of deceased ancestors’ souls.

2. On the day of Shraddha, sesame seeds should be sprinkled all over the house, sesame seeds mixed in water should be given to the invited priests (Brahmins) and sesame seeds should be donated.




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