Saints and Politicians : Why they need each other?
Are saints alien to politics? Has constitution barred saints to take any political post? Why we become little uncomfortable when a saint is seen with a political cap? The decision of Madhya Pradesh government to give Minister of State status to Computer Baba, Bhaiyyuji Maharaj, Narmadanand Maharaj, Hariharanand Maharaj and Yogendra Mahant become a hot debate in the society. Is there any moral decay by this step? Saints who openly supports political figures and ideology become the eye candy these days, but when some saffron clad baba took a political gift, the reactions are sharp and divided.

Two famous hindu saints Karpatri Maharaj & Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who established political parties in past also addressed the dilemma of Indian morals and ideals. Saints mostly considered non-attached to worldly pleasures and play active role in religious preaching and teachings to shape the society and guide followers. But modernity has changed the perception and religious and spiritual saints today. They become more suave and smart. They hold power and show wealth in their non movable properties and spiritual ventures. They satiate the instant problems and enamoured themselves as humble manifestation of almighty. This glamorisation of persona make them hot cake and they sell what they know best, knowledge and wisdom in a new packet with proper packaging.

Sanity is a virtue that always attached with sainthood. This is a rare trait found in politicians. Somehow the world is one on the definitions of a politicians and saints. Saints are powerful and instrumental in shaping minds. They establish new norms easily. A politician bring changes through the arduous way of winning hearts and ballots. Naturally sainthood is achieved by giving up worldly pleasures and follow certain norms of the faiths. The power brings them close to power-brokers to milk social and political benefits from the clout they garnered after long penance. In form of land, donation, awards and posts a saint can be lured by the political class.
Attaching saints to social goals are also proved beneficial to the ruling class. In the name of social work many saints have galore the worldly honours and accolades. This make them more confident to act as a tool which can be easily manipulate by political class. A good goal of supporting or emancipating a cause can become an opportunity to gobble prestige. The race to become immortal by legacy and impacts, drive both to craziness. The saffron clad souls have to understand that his/her role is not being a kingmaker or peddle spiritual enlightenment only. A saint has to be more wise than common notions, a seer must hear what general souls can’t and a fakir must inspire others by their wisdom, not by the clout.

Day by day the world becoming not an ideal place to remind and follow ethos. People are more governed by new behaviours and attitudes. The answers given by politicians and saint are not that, what they are seeking. Moral questioning is easy, but its applicable on others. Saints know that they are not addressing many real issues and challenges. Sermons, preaching, instant quirks are not enough for a demanding generation. No one have any objection if a saint can bring real change in society, but jumping blocks for filling the space of others, can irritate the believers. Todays saints have achieved a celebrity status with national and international followers . Hope sainthood can be redefined.
By – Bhavya Srivastava, Religion Journalist
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