The birthday of Lord Krishna is celebrated as Janmashtami. This year it falls on 24th August. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna is the 8th carnation of Vishnu. Krishna is the only deity whom people pray in every form. His child life was full of mischievous acts, pranks and fun. He is an ideal child and innocent teen. In youth, his flute attracted girls and he becomes the most romantic being. The gopis were adorably devoted to him and Sri Radha was a most loving devotee. Lord Krishna was a loyal and good friend. In Mahabharta, his knowledge and wisdom guide Arjuna and thus people come to know about the greatest scripture-Bhagwad Gita.
Watch LIVE Janmashtami
Krishna’s life was full of amazing and miraculous stories. Today, when the world is celebrating Janmashtami, all sects of Vaishnavas welcoming the Gopal in their life. Janmashtami is the biggest festival of India, celebrated all over India.
When Sri Krishna born?
Its was the Hindu month of Bhadrapad and eight days of Krishna Paksha when Lord Krishna was born in a prison in Mathura. Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudev. Its was the kingdom of Kansa and he prisoned his sister Devaki after a forecast that his child will kill him. To save the baby from getting killed by his maternal uncle, Vasudev was taken across the river to Vrindavan, by his father where he was brought up by Yasoda and Nanda, a cowherd.
On the occasion of Janmashtami, Dahi handi also celebrated. People of Gujarat and Maharashtra will excitedly take part in Dahi Handi. They form a human pyramid and try to break an earthen pot which is fixed at a height of about 35 ft from the ground.

Janmastami is a festival of joy and celebration. Whole India celebare it and welcome their lord Krishna again in the world.