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Buddhist Temples around the world : Seiganto-ji, Japan

Seiganto-ji Buddhism Temple, Japan Buddhism ( Seiganto-ji ) is a major world religion and philosophy founded in northeastern India in the 5th century BC. It is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as “The Buddha”, who was born in what is today Nepal. Buddhism takes as its goal the escape from suffering and from the cycle of rebirth: the attainment of nirvana. Buddhism in the present scenario is one of the most… Continue reading Buddhist Temples around the world : Seiganto-ji, Japan

 June 24, 2019

Hyderbad Chilkur Balaji Priests pray to prevent child rapes

Recently there has been a tremendous increase in incidents of child rape in the country. In order to prevent such crimes from happening in the future, priests at Chilkur Balaji temple performed prayers . Chilkur Balaji also popularly known as ‘Visa Balaji’ is one of the oldest temples and is located on the banks of Osman Sagar lake. As part of the prayers three cows were taken around the sanctum sanctorum thrice by the priests… Continue reading Hyderbad Chilkur Balaji Priests pray to prevent child rapes

 June 24, 2019

Hindu Temples in Foreign Lands : Shri Varun Dev Mandir – Karachi, Pakistan

Hindu Temples in Foreign Lands : Shri Varun Dev Mandir – Karachi, Pakistan Starting again this week Religion World will take you on the global religious and spiritual trip that introduces to different hindu temples that are outside India. From Pashupathinath in Nepal to Sri Venkateswara in Pittsburg, USA; this feature will have them all week after week. Indian spirituality is not just restricted to our borders, it has spread its wings across the globe… Continue reading Hindu Temples in Foreign Lands : Shri Varun Dev Mandir – Karachi, Pakistan

 June 21, 2019

International Yoga day 2019 – 31 Interesting facts about Yoga

International Yoga day 2019 – 31 Interesting facts about Yoga As India gets set to lead the world in celebrating the International Day of Yoga tomorrow, here is a brief look at Yoga in India through the ages: Yoga originated in India Yoga is one of the oldest physical disciplines in existence Yoga is over 5,000 years old The word yoga means yoke or union Yoga combines body postures, breathing and meditation The official language… Continue reading International Yoga day 2019 – 31 Interesting facts about Yoga

 June 20, 2019

International Yoga Day 2019 : Ministry of Ayush launches ‘Yogalocator’ app

International Yoga Day 2019 : Ministry of Ayush launches ‘Yogalocator’ app Ahead of International Yoga Day on June 21, the AYUSH Ministry launched an app that can help locate yoga events around the city. The Yoga Locator app also provides a list of Yoga training centres and instructors near your location. The location-based app is available for the Android OS and it can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The app enables yoga instructors… Continue reading International Yoga Day 2019 : Ministry of Ayush launches ‘Yogalocator’ app

 June 20, 2019

Religion & Films : Adi Shanakaracharya

Religion & Films: Adi Shankaracharya Films have undoubtedly been the most influential and ever inspiring medium. They enlighten and inform people about different things in the world. While some take them into the futuristic world, there have been many films globally that have taken us back to our roots to educate about our customs and religions. This is not just pertained to Indian films, worldwide many filmmakers have used this medium to inform and educate… Continue reading Religion & Films : Adi Shanakaracharya

 June 20, 2019

Ramadan 2019 : All you need to know about Eid prayers

On the day of Eid the entire Muslim community congregates in observance of the Eid Prayer. It can be prayed any time after sunrise until noon and must be done so in congregation. The Eid Prayer is similar to the Friday Prayer in its number of cycles (two), in that it is recited out loud, and that both have sermons. However, unlike the Friday Prayer, the Eid Prayer’s sermon follows the prayer. The second difference… Continue reading Ramadan 2019 : All you need to know about Eid prayers

 June 5, 2019

Ramadan 2019 : Interesting Facts about Eid al-Fitr

Here are the few interesting facts about the Islam’s biggest festival Eid al-Fitr. “Eid al-Fitr” is a pretty literal translation of the event that’s being celebrated: “Festival of the Breaking of the Fast,” or “the Feast of Fast-Breaking.” Eid ul-Fitr doesn’t begin until the new moon appears in the sky which means that across the world, Eid al-Fitr starts at different times and even different days, depending on location. To make it more uniform, some… Continue reading Ramadan 2019 : Interesting Facts about Eid al-Fitr

 June 5, 2019

Ramadan 2019 : Moon sighting and the end of the ‘Holy Month `

Eid Moon has been sighted and the long siren has been given in the mosques and Muslims across the world are preparing to end the long fasting month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid al-Fitr, which means “festival of breaking the fast,” falls on different dates in different countries depending on the moon sighting. This year, Eid al-Fitr will be on June 5 in India. Some Muslims wait to see the… Continue reading Ramadan 2019 : Moon sighting and the end of the ‘Holy Month `

 June 5, 2019

Significance of the ‘three dates’ in breaking the ramadan fast

Significance of the ‘three dates’ in breaking the ramadan fast Fasting during Ramadan is from sunrise to sunset. This tradition is rooted in religious teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who is quoted as saying: “When one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates; but if he cannot get any, then (he should break his fast) with water, for water is purifying.“ Muslims around the world, follow a religious tradition of serving… Continue reading Significance of the ‘three dates’ in breaking the ramadan fast

 May 25, 2019

Ramadan 2019 – Day 12 : Seeking Spirituality during the Menstruation

Ramadan 2019 – Day 12 : Seeking Spirituality during the Menstruation Just as one is slowly getting in to the rhythm of fasting and praying, women have to deal with their monthly period or postnatal bleeding. It is not easy to stay positive at times like these, especially when they see people around them rushing to masaajid for taraweeh prayers, spending time in ‘itikaaf and reciting the Quran. This can lead us to feeling deprived… Continue reading Ramadan 2019 – Day 12 : Seeking Spirituality during the Menstruation

 May 25, 2019

Ramadan 2019 – Day 11 : The Three Ashras of Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of fasting, reflection, devotion, generosity and sacrifice observed by Muslims around the world. Over the centuries Ramadan has retained its passionate spiritual meaning. The word “Ramadan” comes from the Arabic word for “Parched Thirst” and “Sun-Baked Ground.” It is meaningful of the hunger and thirst felt by those who spend the month in fasting and get benefits of fasting in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is by nature a time of… Continue reading Ramadan 2019 – Day 11 : The Three Ashras of Ramadan

 May 24, 2019