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Twenty-one Days – To Nirvana?

Twenty-one Days – To Nirvana?

The Indian PM has announced a 21-day complete lockdown throughout the country to fight coronavirus. It’s the biggest ever lockdown in the world – ever. And, it shows a steely determination to fight the dreaded virus without capitulating to the possible consequences. Yes, there will be consequences. There will be many stories – tragedies, sagas, tragi-comedies, inspiring stories and what-have-you.

The enemies of the people, and there are many within, will create as much confusion, misinformation, fear and terror as they possibly can because there are those that profit from others’ fears and misfortune. Yet, there will be heroes, too, who will soldier on despite the difficulties, challenges, problems and worse. They will raise their own vibrations and the vibrations of those near them and some among them who will elevate the people of the whole nation with their incredible selfless acts and sacrifices.

As individuals, we will all have the chance to make choices…every single day and every single moment. If we make good, sensible choices, we can be catalysts of transformation, growth and elevation.

These twenty-one days, we will get ample opportunities to connect in a way with our deeper selves that we’ve never had before. Our inner, deeper self always tries to communicate with us, to guide us and to ensure that our time here on this beautiful planet is spent in a way that brings joy to our maker. But the din of the outer world is so loud, the inner self’s quiet gentle voice is drowned. And, the more it is drowned the more lost we become.

Here, then, is that golden chance to connect and strengthen our connection to the inner self. Some among us will seize the chance and each time we hear that inner voice and make choices based on its directions, we will move in the direction of beauty, joy, light and love. Others will be unable to choose well and they will lose the chance to move towards nirvana and will descend, instead, into a hell of their own making!

But, you, dear reader, I trust, will be among those who choose well, connect well and do well! Happy quarantining!

– Rajesh Kanoi (rajyogi)

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