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Hinduism and its Value to Humanity

Hinduism and its Value to Humanity

Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism is far far more than a religion. It’s a vast compendium of knowledge and systems that looks very closely at every aspect of life – both material and spiritual, natural and artificial and everything in-between. And, having looked, it advises how best to interact with it all…to make one’s experience of life rewarding, fulfilling and complete in many ways and at many levels.

And, having done all that, it does not take away an individual’s power or question his experience – instead it empowers each individual to look, search and discover for himself that which fulfills him, whether it is materially or spiritually.

Like a gentle mother, she cajoles, encourages, guides and feeds but seldom scolds or even disciplines her children.

And, like most mothers, she has her limitations – physical strength is not her forte. She needs her able-bodied and determined children to protect her…not for her own safety but for that of the children for whom she’s the real source of strength…moral, mental and spiritual strength.

Because this Dharma is so wealthy and so benevolent that those who truly dive into it are able to find gems and jewels of such great value, it has become the object of avaricious and jealous attacks from other systems/faiths.

The thing with Hindu systems is that over the millennias’ long history of search and discoveries it has perfected methods that can be used with great success. They deal with both the gross aspects of life and its subtlest aspects, too.

While the grosser aspects of life are easily available to all to use and benefit from, the subtler aspects need time and perfecting oneself to a great degree. The fruits of that search and devotion are such that they cannot be easily demonstrated or distributed.

So, in a sense, Hinduism is like a vast chakra (circle). As one proceeds deeper and deeper into it, one has to tune himself to be receptive to things that become subtler and subtler. That’s not something most can do because of the time, discipline and firmness of resolve needed on the journey.

However, that immensely rich and glorious inner core of wealth needs to be protected at any cost. Its gifts may not be obvious to those on the periphery but they benefit from them nonetheless. And that, perhaps, was why they were born into this culture.

The wealth that lies at the inner core is a great source of knowledge that has benefitted all humanity in the past and will do in the future…if it’s not lost due to the actions of those who covet temporal power and wealth only.

– Rajesh Kanoi (rajyogi)

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